Pretty Rhythm Aurora Dream (Anime) Wiki

toudou hibiki

Profile Gender: Male

Birthday: 1996, January

Astrological Sign: Aquarius

Hometown: Kyoto, Japan

Current Residence: Tokyo, Japan

Hair Color: Dark blue

Eye Color: Light brown

Blood Type: B

Affiliation: Pretty Top,Callings

Relative(s) Rizumu Amamiya (Wife) (DMF only)

Kanon Toudou (Younger Sister)

Yoshimitsu Toudou (Father)

Shino Toudou (Mother)

Ryutaro Amamiya (Father-in-law) (DMF only)

Sonata Amamiya (Mother-in-law) (DMF only)

Kaname Amamiya (Younger sister-in-law) (DMF only)

Voiced by: Kenn

Hibiki Toudou is the cool-type member of the boy-band group, Callings. Although he is admired by many as a genius, he in fact practices extra alone in his secret place in order to improve himself. This fact is a secret shared only with Rizumu, who he holds feelings for, and later marries. He is Kanon Toudou's elder brother, and is often the object of rivalry between Kanon and Rizumu because of that. He is part of the idol group Callings together with Sho and Wataru.

Role in the Plot

Hibiki at around age 16 in "Aurora Dream". In the beginning, Hibiki only showed up when Callings was around, but ever since he got to know Rizumu, he appeared many times to flirt with her, making her blush every time. His role got more important when it was revealed that he is the older brother of Kanon Toudou, a rival of MARs. He remained loyal to Rizumu, despite Kanon scaring him all the time. He became a source of advice for Rizumu, very much like the relationship Aira and Shou share. They became so friendly with each other to the point were they were basically boyfriend and girlfriend by the end of Aurora Dream. They are still in love with each other 3 years later in Dear My Future.


Hibiki's given name literally means "echo." When his name is put together with the other two members of Callings, their names literally mean, "An echoing show." His surname means "Wisteria hall."
